How to cite / acknowledge the Neural Microsystems Platform
Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva (FCBG) adheres to the basic rules of Scientific Integrity regarding authorship of scholar work.
All articles and publications that use any FCBG resources (equipment, protocol assistance and expertise, analyses, …) must have an author directly affiliated with FCBG when the staff member:
- have made an essential contribution to the planning, carrying out, evaluation and verification of the research work;
- have participated in the writing of the manuscript;
- and have approved the final version of the manuscript.
When the platform provides a platform contribution (simple data acquisition, assistance in setting up procedures for presentation and collection of behavioral data, etc.), only a sentence in the acknowledgments is needed. For acknowledgements in articles, publications, projects, presentations…, the following text can be added:
“This study was supported by the Neural Microsystems Platform, Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.”
Martinelli, E., Akouissi, O., Liebi, L., Furfaro, I., Maulà, D., Savoia, N., Remy, A., Nikles, L., Roux, A., Stoppini, L., & Lacour, S. P. (2024). The e-Flower: A hydrogel-actuated 3D MEA for brain spheroid electrophysiology. Science Advances, 10(42), eadp8054.
Mariello, M., Rosenthal, J. D., Cecchetti, F., Gao, M., Skrivervik, A. K., Leterrier, Y., & Lacour, S. P. (2024). Wireless, battery-free, and real-time monitoring of water permeation across thin-film encapsulation. Nature Communications, 15(1), 7443.
Wu, K., Mariello, M., Leterrier, Y., & Lacour, S. P. (2024). Optical Monitoring of Water Side Permeation in Thin Film Encapsulation. Advanced Materials, 36(24), 2310201.
Fallegger, F., Trouillet, A., Coen, F.-V., Schiavone, G., & Lacour, S. P. (2023). A low-profile electromechanical packaging system for soft-to-flexible bioelectronic interfaces. APL Bioengineering, 7(3), 036109.
Song, S., Fallegger, F., Trouillet, A., Kim, K., & Lacour, S. P. (2023). Deployment of an electrocorticography system with a soft robotic actuator. Science Robotics, 8(78), eadd1002.
Fallegger, F., Trouillet, A., & Lacour, S. P. (2023). Subdural Soft Electrocorticography (ECoG) Array Implantation and Long-Term Cortical Recording in Minipigs. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 193, 64997.
Borda, E., Medagoda, D. I., Airaghi Leccardi, M. J. I., Zollinger, E. G., & Ghezzi, D. (2023). Conformable neural interface based on off-stoichiometry thiol-ene-epoxy thermosets. Biomaterials, 293, 121979.
Nayir, S., Lacour, S. P., & Kucera, J. P. (2022). Active force generation contributes to the complexity of spontaneous activity and to the response to stretch of murine cardiomyocyte cultures. The Journal of Physiology, 600(14), 3287–3312.
Kim, K., Van Gompel, M., Wu, K., Schiavone, G., Carron, J., Bourgeois, F., Lacour, S. P., & Leterrier, Y. (2021). Extended Barrier Lifetime of Partially Cracked Organic/Inorganic Multilayers for Compliant Implantable Electronics. Small, 17(40), 2103039.
Schiavone, G., Vachicouras, N., Vyza, Y., & Lacour, S. P. (2021). Dimensional scaling of thin-film stimulation electrode systems in translational research. Journal of Neural Engineering, 18(4), 046054.
Vachicouras, N., Tarabichi, O., Kanumuri, V. V., Tringides, C. M., Macron, J., Fallegger, F., Thenaisie, Y., Epprecht, L., McInturff, S., Qureshi, A. A., Paggi, V., Kuklinski, M. W., Brown, M. C., Lee, D. J., & Lacour, S. P. (2019). Microstructured thin-film electrode technology enables proof of concept of scalable, soft auditory brainstem implants. Science Translational Medicine, 11(514), eaax9487.
Shur, M., Fallegger, F., Pirondini, E., Roux, A., Bichat, A., Barraud, Q., Courtine, G., & Lacour, S. P. (2020). Soft Printable Electrode Coating for Neural Interfaces. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3(7), 4388–4397.
Paggi, V., Fallegger, F., Serex, L., Rizzo, O., Galan, K., Giannotti, A., Furfaro, I., Zinno, C., Bernini, F., Micera, S., & Lacour, S. P. (2024). A soft, scalable and adaptable multi-contact cuff electrode for targeted peripheral nerve modulation. Bioelectronic Medicine, 10(1), 6.
Fallegger, F., Schiavone, G., Pirondini, E., Wagner, F. B., Vachicouras, N., Serex, L., Zegarek, G., May, A., Constanthin, P., Palma, M., Khoshnevis, M., Van Roost, D., Yvert, B., Courtine, G., Schaller, K., Bloch, J., & Lacour, S. P. (2021). MRI‐Compatible and Conformal Electrocorticography Grids for Translational Research. Advanced Science, 8(9), 2003761.